Medicube - Benefits of Skincare Devices

Various skincare devices have been seen on social media for a long time, from home microneedling to LED light masks. These understandably raise a lot of questions and sometimes concern. Are the skincare devices used at home A) effective, and B) safe? And how to find the best option for yourself?

Not all skincare devices are created equal, some are downright harmful and others are just "toys". The skincare equipment used at home are also not completely comparable to professionally done treatments. But if you can't or don't want to go to the salon every month, a high-quality skincare device is a good option for those who want to experience really effective results at a cheaper price. It is not worth getting just any device, but it is necessary to research carefully that the device in question is of high quality, safe to use and has careful scientific research behind it. You should also consider whether this device is right for you. So let's get to know the two Korean royalties of skincare devices: Medicube's AGE-R Booster Pro and Booster H skincare devices ✨

History of Medicube 

Byunghoon Kim founded Medicube in 2014 and since 2016 APR has owned Medicube. But skincare devices only entered the picture when Kim met Dr. Jaekwoo Shin at the trade fair, who had long researched, among other things, ways to produce the results of microneedling without needles. Kim and Shin started a collaboration and that's how Medicube's products and Dr. Shin's research work were brought together. Medicube's first skincare devices entered the market in 2021, and seven different ones have been developed so far.

Medicube's focus is specifically on technology and clinical testing of products and scientific research. Medicube's studies can be found on their website and research work has been done for years. Medicube does a lot of its own research, but also uses a lot of external research in its development work. Many technologies are ones that have been researched for decades and Medicube has used innovation and further developed for many technologies in order to achieve the best results as safely as possible.


Medicube's skincare equipments

Medicube has a number of skincare devices, but from their AGE-R line, we are now looking at the Booster H and Booster Pro. What do they do, how are they used and who are they for?


AGE-R Booster H

Medicube  AGE-R Booster H

Before Booster Pro, Booster H appeared, which uses electroporation technology, which uses electric current to create small passages in skin, helping skincare products to be absorbed deeper into the skin. Booster H also helps increase the skin's plumpness and can also help tighten skin pores. 

Electroporation has been used in cosmetic treatments for years and its technology has been researched since the 60s and used above all in the pharmaceutical industry. It is sometimes called needleless mesotherapy, but it is the same technology. The skin recovers from electroporation quickly, even in just a few minutes, and it is typically a painless procedure. 

Use : The Booster-H device has different power settings and it is recommended to start with the gentlest setting and increase the power according to how the skin gets used to and tolerates the use of the device. Before use, wash your face and apply the skincare product or products of your choice to your face. The device is moved on the skin so that it is completely attached to the skin's surface. 

Booster H is a particularly good device for those with more sensitive skin and who want to start using skincare devices for the first time 💜


AGE-R Booster Pro

AGE-R Booster Pro has taken a few steps from its predecessor, actually six steps - Booster Pro combines 6 different technologies together: electroporation, microcurrent, EMS, electric needle technology, led therapy and sound wave vibration.


1. Electroporation enhances the absorption of products into the skin. In the Booster Pro device, this is called Booster Mode

2. Microcurrent: main effect: tightens the skin. This technology is in the device under the name MC Mode. The Microcurrent feature produces low-intensity electrical currents on the skin (less than 1 milliampere, usually between 10-1000 microamps) , which are similar to the electric currents produced by the body itself, but are still effective enough to stimulate the fibroplasts in the hypodermis to produce more collagen by activating the cell's ATP, which is like the cell's engine and energy source. This range of power is also safe for the body and skin to use. 

3. EMS: i.e. electrical muscle stimulation, tightens and stimulates the facial muscles. The EMS technology in this device is called Derma Shot Mode. EMS technology works on the muscles of the face and with Booster Pro's precisely shaped and small head of the device, it is easy to use even in challenging areas, such as marionette lines and the eye area. Its strength is set so that it is sufficiently effective and gentle at the same time. Depending on which area of ​​the face the device is used, its effect may feel different. This depends on the muscles in each area of ​​the face and the shape of the muscles. EMS technology can also potentially help relieve pain in the jaw area caused by teeth grinding! It relaxes and at the same time gives the muscles of the face a "workout" 💪🏼

4. Electric needle technology: This technology can be found on the device under the name Air Shot Mode. Air Shot Mode is an innovative technology that is a gentle form of microneedling that produces results comparable to microneedling, without the risks of microneedling. Compared to microneedling done at home, where the risks of skin damage and inflammation are high, Air Shot Mode uses electric needles, where microscopic holes are made in the skin, which activates the skin to repair itself. Compared to traditional microneedling, this form of treatment is gentler and the skin recovers faster. 

5. LED light therapy: LED technology has been used in beauty care for a long time and this has also been added to the Booster Pro device on top of everything else! LED technology is not the main feature of the device, but in addition to other features, it brings even more power to your skincare. There are LEDs in different colors at different wavelengths and they affect the skin at different depths. Below is a list of the LED wavelengths used by Booster Pro and their effects:

Purple: 390-455nm - affects the surface of the skin, the epidermis, increasing skin elasticity
Blue: 455-492nm - helps tighten skin pores, effect mainly in the epidermis of the skin
Green: 492-577nm - increasing skin volume
Orange: 597-622nm - skin brightening
Red 622-780nm - increasing skin elasticity

Booster Pro's LED feature is designed so that it is only activated by skin contact, so it is safer to use the device near the eyes as well. The LED feature is right in the middle of the device, which is surrounded by another larger LED light frame that is just for decorative purposes. Since the LED area of ​​the device is small, this feature is above all a nice addition to the main features of the device. However, LED brings additional power to treatments. The right kind of LED light is connected logically in addition to each feature. For example, the orange LED light is combined with Booster Mode, which allows two different technologies to be used together. This is how you get the best possible results!  


6. Vibration treatment: an extra feature of the Booster Pro device, which e.g. relaxes the facial muscles and enlivens the skin's surface. The device has different settings that affect the face in different ways: 

〰️ Radiance Boosting vibration : Enhancing absorption
〰️ Line Smoothing vibration : Increasing skin elasticity
〰️ Facial contour vibration : Firming and shaping
〰️ Pore elasticity vibration : Shrinking of skin pores

See detailed instructions on how to use Booster Pro at this link! 💜


Are Medicube's devices safe?

Medicube's product developers have spent a lot of time and done a lot of research to make their devices as safe as possible to use. That's why they also give instructions on who should use the device and who shouldn't. Safety in relation to electricity has been taken into account, so that there is no risk of injuring yourself, even though the device is powered by electricity.

The product must be washed according to the given instructions, so do not wash the device with water and soap, but use alcohol or a cleaning cloth designed for use with electronic devices! 


Who are the products suitable for?

Both of these devices are suitable for many different skin types, including those with slightly more sensitive skin. People with really sensitive skin must think for themselves whether using a skincare device is a reasonable solution in their particular case. But especially Booster Pro is aimed at those whose skin is starting to show the first signs of aging. That's why we recommend this device only from 25 years old and up, preferably starting from 30 years old. Below is a list of specific skin concerns and how Medicube's AGE-R Booster devices can help each of them:

If you feel that you are not getting enough power from the cosmetics: Booster Mode helps the products to work wonders, while still taking into account the legislation, so that the products are not absorbed deeper than is legally allowed in cosmetics. 

Skin lines and wrinkles: MC Mode, Derma Shot Mode and red LED boost collagen production

Enlarged skin pores: Air Shot Mode and blue LED help tighten skin pores. Also MC Mode for skin firmness, which helps to make skin pores look smaller

Sagging skin or facial muscles: MC Mode firmness and lifts the face

Dull skin: Booster Mode brightens the skin together with the orange LED light 

 If you find that you benefit most only from Booster Mode, Medicube's AGE-R Booster-H is a better option for you. If, on the other hand, you find that several features seem to suit you, the Pro device is the right option for you!


Who might these products not be suitable for?

If your skin is really sensitive, you suffer from rosacea, or you have inflamed acne or skin wounds, we recommend taking it easy with this. We do not recommend using the device for a very young person (under 25) or quickly after filler treatments or other similar procedures. 

What if you are pregnant? In theory, the use of Medicube's AGE-R devices should not pose a risk, but since there are not enough studies on the subject, we cannot recommend using the device during pregnancy. 


Tips for safe use of skin care equipment at home

Always follow the instructions that come with the device and do not use the device more than the recommended amount. If skin irritation or prolonged redness occurs, stop using the device immediately. 

If your skin is sensitive, avoid getting too close to the eyes or near nostrils, which are often the most sensitive areas of the face. When you start using the device for the first time, always start with the lowest power first! The device contains degrees 1-5, the aim is not to use the highest power, because the highest power does not mean the best results. You get the best results when you take your own skin type and skin sensitivity into account 💜


Do you have any questions?

I don't know about you, but we at Yeppo are obsessed with Medicube's AGE-R devices 🥹😍 If you still have questions, leave a comment below and we'll answer them for you! 

A wonderful week for you Yepposes! 💜

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