What exactly your skin needs

Products for acne and for those prone to impurities for the skin, to signs of aging, see you guys for brighteningi as well as moisturizing products for dry skin.

Korealainen Honey skin - mikä se on?
Glass skin has been a rising trend in Western countries in recent years as well. The term refers to the glassy clear, translucent, glowing and even skin that Koreans strive for not only with skin care but also with makeup. But Do you know what is honey skin?
Ihon mikrobiomi ja kuinka parantaa sitä
The microbiome of the skin is of great importance to the condition and well-being of the skin, but what exactly is the microbiome of the skin? What are the hallmarks of an unbalanced skin microbiome and how can cosmetics and skin care maintain the well-being of the microbiome?
Miten seerumia, ampullia ja hoitonestettä käytetään?
If you want to get extra power out of your skin care routine, one of the best additional steps is to add an essence, serum or ampoule to it. In this article, we will tell you the difference between these three, and how to use them.

Korean cosmetics as in K-beauty

Korean cosmetics are innovative, high-quality and affordable.

Korean skin care is focusing has a gentle approach, focusing on moisturizing and caring of the skin and regular use of sunscreen. In Korean culture, great importance is placed on youthful skin, which is also associated with general health and self-confidence. Learn the Korean skin care routine easily by exploring from our stores to experience the authentic Korean atmosphere!